Overview: Design a mobile application to meet a growing pain point of users with a focus on usability and heuristics.
Problem Description: More pet owners are looking to provide safe and nutritious food for their pets. However, information on the internet is unreliable at best. gourPet is a mobile application that provides articles, products, and recipes that can be tailored for specific pet diets. All provided information is verified by veterinarians for credibility.
My Role: User Research and Analysis, UX Writing, Wireframes, Prototyping, and User Testing.
Collaborators: Kennedy Brophy, Nikki Hanacek
Time Span: 3 Weeks
Research and Analysis
Affinity Diagram Results:
The user’s pain points were primarily focused on cost, the accuracy of the information, and the availability of the product.
Feature Prioritization:
Based on the findings, the decisions were made to focus on access to product information, the ability to customize information based on pet type, and alternative diet options such as homemade recipes. Users did not express enough interest in research articles to make the feature a priority, but one worth including in the wireframed design.
Wireframes and Prototyping
Initially, several sketches were made to provide a framework for how the app would be designed.
Early on, it was decided to go with a bottom navbar in order to provide a simple interface where users could use one finger to interact with the application.
It was important to make this as easy to use as possible, which led to significant changes to the design of the app as user testing and iterations occurred.